The three statuses above and their possible values:

For more information see the

Steppers display progress through a sequence of separate steps towards a particular goal for more complex tasks. This provides a more manageable experience by allowing the user to focus on smaller pieces of the task at hand.


Ange Romanska (Deactivated) Gabriel Weinberg Marco Morales (Deactivated) Jon F

Slack channel

If one exists, paste a link to the working Slack channel...

Paragon Jira ticket

Other Jira tickets

Design resources

Technical docs

Insert a link to the tech docs when they are created...


(blue star) Use cases

Discussion forum selection and configuration

Content library configuration

Miro flow design in progress

(blue star) Usage

This stepper can be used not only for initial setup, but also for future configuration changes over time by linking to the relevant step.



Note: Future use cases may require a third action button, positioned directly before the “Next” button, on the right. Examples include saving a draft or launching a preview within the flow.

Errors and warnings

(blue star) Best Practices


  • Use sentence case for step labels

  • Include descriptive text at the top of the page below the stepper, to provide welcoming context to the user. This text should not be simply a repetition of the step label, but be more helpful in orienting the user.


  • Don’t use more than 5 steps in any single workflow

  • Don’t use lengthy step labels. They should be short and descriptive.

  • Don’t use inline actions within the step content to jump between steps

  • Don’t use optional steps in a stepper workflow. If a feature or setting is optional, it should be incorporated into one of the other steps.

  • Don’t save any data associated with an incomplete workflow. The user must start again from the beginning.

(blue star) Related Components

(blue star) Specification

What does an engineer need to know in order to build this component?

Redlined Design Spec

(blue star) Behaviors

Add rows to this table outlining individual behaviors of the component.

Descriptions of a behavior should contain any specification detail needed to build it, including animation timing.

(blue star) Accessibility

Add rows to the table outlining focus management, semantic markup, or other a11y related specifications...

Incorporate a meaningful label into the ‘Next’ button or make this information available to screen readers.


Notes from collaborator conversations or meetings regarding this component.