Fill in retro details in the table below. Type /date to quickly add the date and @mention participants to help them find the page.



edX, Racoon Gang


Diana Huang Michael Terry (Deactivated) Stuart Young (Deactivated) Nikolay Borovenskiy Sergey Golub Igor Degtiarov Feanil Patel


A retrospective on how the Elasticsearch upgrade projects went, with a focus on how to make similar Blended Development projects work better in the future.


Add your Start doing, Stop doing, and Keep doing items to the table below. We'll use these to talk about how we can improve our process going forward.

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

  • edX more involved in debugging issues found during testing

  • better testing setups

    • share data used for testing earlier - we eventually got there with Disco, but could have avoided a lot of back and forth earlier

  • better testing coverage

  • spend more time up front identifying acceptance criteria from stakeholders - some of those appeared late in the process for Disco

  • In hindsight, as the edX-side reviewer for Disco, I wish I had spent more time really understanding the new code base. Going forward, we don’t have much internal expertise with es7 or this specific code. That would take up a lot more of my time, but still.

  • A more clear hand-off at which point new changes should be made by edX to get working.

  • throwing bugs over the wall +1

  • weekly sync meetings

  • Having time when all engineers are online.

Action items

Add 1-2 follow-up action items to help the team apply what they learned in the retro: