This document describes our squad’s footprint in New Relic. It’s not so bad.

Alert Policies

You can search alert policies here:

The community engineering squad has four alert policies in New Relic, and all our policies include the string community-engineering for easy searching. Two are for LMS (one is prod, one is edge), two for frontends in prod. The LMS policies include both web and worker tier alerts.

A search showing our alert policies:

The individual policies:





In each policy, you’ll see a number of alert conditions. We should feel free to tweak the condition thresholds, advanced signal settings, etc., to make these alert conditions work for us. It’s possible that because our squad’s owned code had been lumped in with other code T&L owned, that these alert thresholds are too high because of some particularly spammy thing we don’t actually own now.

Notification Channels

Notification channels are how New Relic communicates alerts to outside services. We use three, two of which are specific to our squad:

Slack integration with #ce-alerts

OpsGenie integration with the Community Engineering team

AlertStatsCollection - shared by other squads - used to send events to insights, I believe.