

List meeting participants using their @mention names:


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Discussion topics






Product tour

Kavya / Hilary

  • Would like to discuss a potential new component

JW → this is re-enterable? KB: yes

JW → no dark shim or background? HG → we were going to check with Carla during implementation on feasibility.

HG → This proposal is not about how it gets launched.

DJ → there are a lot of 3rd party products that do this. Should we build it our selves? AS → we’re looking at one for enterprise, and had a call with Walk Me. DJ → Should we consider this a different visual treatment for something we already have. The hard part here is movement from one to the next. Is that part of the component.

JW → neutral on build vs. buy. Mostly concerned around implementation

HG → we didn’t want to be blocked on vendor decision. didn’t think this was

BW → this is a distinct element due to the behavior

DJ → let’s let this stay in learninng MFE.

AS → 3rd party approach is no code changes to make changes to it. Also, conditional sequencing, etc.

9622234d-9b11-414f-8832-77a5971c77b0d864fd1b-9148-45b5-beed-4362ef16f6cbDECIDEDWill build one off in learning MFE. Will revisit build vs. buy decision and adding to paragon afterward.
  • Will build one off in learning MFE. Will revisit build vs. buy decision and adding to paragon afterward.


Autocomplete/ Multiselect Components in Search

Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)


Component docs in Figma


Action items

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Type /decision to record the decisions you make in this meeting:
