


Awais Jibran (Deactivated) Asad Azam Kshitij Sobti

Talked about and went through the code review process.

Merged 1 PR during the meeting.

Awais Jibran (Deactivated) Asad Azam Saad Yousaf Kshitij Sobti

  1. Discussed Code Review

  2. Discussed Data Model Approach for Course App Django app

Awais Jibran (Deactivated) Asad Azam Kshitij Sobti

  1. Improving feedback loop on PRs

    1. Got feedback on Friday and Monday’s are generally busy so couldn’t update the Prs as quickly

  2. New PRs have no Jira associated with them

    1. Some work which was done a long time ago, so this was listed because it’s

  3. Sync up at the end of the day.

Awais Jibran (Deactivated) Kshitij Sobti Asad Azam

  • Discussed A/C of TNL-8348.

  • Go through the new PRs added for review.

  • Kshitij will review all of the PRs in the list to see if they are in ready state

Awais Jibran (Deactivated) Kshitij Sobti Asad Azam

Awais Jibran (Deactivated)

Asad Azam

Kshitij Sobti

Done sprint planning & overview. Docs are here.

Sprint Status Updates

Awais Jibran (Deactivated)

Asad Azam

Kshitij Sobti

Code Review:

Sprint details:

  • 2 weeks sprints, starting on Tuesday

  • Tickets for the next sprint should be decided before the second Thursday of the previous sprint

  • Extended standup meetings on the second Thursday of the sprint to discuss upcoming work

Awais Jibran (Deactivated)

Asad Azam

Kshitij Sobti

Code Review: