The three statuses above and their possible values:

For more information see the

The purpose of the product tour component is to point out and describe information on a page that users need to learn about. It includes navigation dots and a carat.


Hilary Gordon (Deactivated) Kavya Basu

Slack channel

If one exists, paste a link to the working Slack channel...

Paragon Jira ticket

Insert a link to the Paragon ticket or epic for this component...

Other Jira tickets

Insert links to related work...

Design resources

Insert links to Figma or Miro design specs or explorations...

Technical docs

Insert a link to the tech docs when they are created...


(blue star) Variants

(blue star) Best Practices


  • Use when you need to introduce a new feature or new information to the user

  • Show only once in a learner journey and allow dismissibility if they aren’t interested in the content

  • Scroll the learner to the correct focus area as they sequence through (on mobile, that means scrolling the page for them)


  • Put a paragraph of text in the tip! Keep it short and sweet.

  • Put >5 in a sequence variant or the user will have fatigue

(blue star) Related Components

(blue star) Specification

What does an engineer need to know in order to build this component?

Redlined Design Spec

Paste a link to a Figma frame here and choose "Display as embed"...

(blue star) Behaviors

Click outside the tip when it’s being shown

Will not close; works like our current tooltip where you need to interact to close it

(blue star) Accessibility

Add rows to the table outlining focus management, semantic markup, or other a11y related specifications...


Notes from collaborator conversations or meetings regarding this component.