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What is this about?

Why are we doing this?

Have we done this before?

What do we plan to do?

Are there risks and dependencies?

What is the impact of this upgrade on various users of the system?

How will we do it?

How will we communicate about it?

edX wants to upgrade Elasticsearch to version 7.10 in time for Maple Open edX release.

Diane has a lot of knowledge about the previous Elasticsearch upgrade - Elasticsearch Ownership and Rollout. It was a Blended project with Racoon Gang.

This time we expect owning squads to do the upgrade, after which SRE will flip the switch.


Upgrade all IDAs that are on 7.8, see list at Elasticsearch 7.10 Upgrade Tracking and Timeline.

All of these IDAs are part of the Open edX named release.

Details to be added.

Environments and path: devstack -> sandbox -> stage -> prod/edge (we only have one mongo cluster per env).


Elasticsearch upgrade can be done independently from other upgrade projects, e.g. MongDB, Django, etc.

Each upgraded IDA can be release independently, as soon as it is done.


We need to complete this anytime before October 15.

However, since more services are used by Elasticsearch than by MongoDB, we want to get MongoDB upgrade out of the way first, then do Elasticsearch.

More detailed timeline to follow.

Project Team




lcicchese (Deactivated)


Tech and Project Lead

Natalia Berdnikov (Deactivated)

Open edX

Project Manager

Christopher Pappas


Lead Developer

Jeremy Ristau

TNL (IDA owner)

Team Lead, development

Wajeeha Khalid

Vanguards (IDA owner)

Team Lead, development

Simon Chen

Cosmonauts (IDA owner)

Team Lead, development

Zach Hancock

Cosmonauts (IDA owner)

Lead Developer

Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)

Open edX

Stakeholder (Infrastructure lead)

Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)

Open edX

Stakeholder (maker of Open edX named release)

Open edX Community

Open edX Community

Stakeholder (Consumers of Maple named release)

Next steps