The highest-level goals for this doc are to:

STATUS: Draft - open for comments

The doc is open for comments. Eventually we want to get to “living document”. This can be modified and moved forward but you have to want to propose changes, not just whine about it (wink)

Documentation tools best practices


When things move - Space maintainers should move/update/archive docs in the spaces they own. Although this adds administrative overhead, the clarity of doling out resources and ownership will be worth the hassle.

What goes where?

OEP-19 provides guidance on long-term developer documentation. Summarizing, with light edits:

Extending the guidance above:

GitHub / Read the Docs

Following OEP-19, documentation around code generally gets stored in GitHub (either to be read in GitHub or published to Read-the-Docs). This allows it to be searchable and live near the code it describes. It also describes different types of docs in GitHub and where to store them:



Tags & Signaling

This is a set of proposed labels to apply to Confluence pages meant to signal the type of page or actions that should be taken on a page. Using searches or crawlers, space administrators could use these to keep spaces organized.

Google docs / Miro / Figma / Other

These are not linked to our other services and thus not discoverable. They should be viewed as temporary tools for collaboration or should be linked to Confluence/GitHub.

Docs can be written in tools outside of Confluence or GitHub, but everything should be discoverable from one of those 2 tools.

For in-progress docs (e.g. a Miro diagram), they should be linked to the related project/repo.

Info should be moved to Confluence/GitHub when complete in other authoring tools. Delete the old doc or replace the content with a link to the new page after the documentation has been moved.

Student blog / edX Blog / Open edX Blog / Open edX Discuss


These have specific use-cases for broadcast communication and are out of scope of this document.

These have specific use-cases for broadcast communication and are out of scope of this document.