For any of the items on this page, you can also take a look at existing blended project pages for reference. If you have any questions, please reach out to Michelle Philbrick.

LABELS: Make sure your blended project page has the 2 following labels #blended AND #[name of provider] (e.g. #blended #opencraft - or whichever provider is helping on the project)

PRIVACY: For blended project pages, the default privacy setting is OK (everyone has access)

Blended Project ID


Blended Project Epic (Tracks Pull Requests)

Project Hours and Status

edX Product Lead

Chimuanya Okoro (Deactivated)

edX Technical Primary

Dave Ormsbee



Provider Lead

Usman Khalid Jill Vogel

Calendly Scheduling Link (where applicable)

Slack Channel


Meeting Cadence / Preference

(async updates via spreadsheet + slack, quarterly retro)

Method of Action Item Tracking

Open edX Jira - TNL Project

Escalation Path

Slack then OpenCraft escalation path

Relevant Discovery Documents

Status Updates

Final scope and milestones document:Content Core Platform Simplification

Target Completion Date

To revisit (March-Jun 2022 range)

SOW Completion Date

May 2022

Open Action Items

Linked Project Milestones

This section will link to all the milestones / epics to this blended project the Open edX JIRA site.

Insert a JIRA marco here from the "+" menu above. Use the following filter to populate all the milestones / epics linked to your blended project: "issue in linkedIssues("BLENDED-XX")"

Relevant Pull Requests linked to Blended Project Epic

This section will link to the edX internal Blended project epic, and contains all Pull Requests related to this Blended Project.

Insert a JIRA macro here from the "+" menu above. Use the following filter to populate all the milestones / epics linked to your blended project: "issue in linkedIssues("BLENDED-XX")"

Meeting Notes

Insert a children display macro here from the "+" menu above. The default settings will show children pages of this project.