Please keep in mind that this page is shared publicly with the external Open edX community and that confidential information (learner data, business plans, etc.) should not be shared in connection with any Hackathon project, whether on this page or in shared Slack channels or elsewhere.


Tuesday Aug. 10th - Thursday Aug. 12th, 2021

Presentations to be recorded and shared by 4 PM on Thursday, Aug. 12th


Love for Docs

Find Your Team

Here are some ideas and committed projects to get ideas flowing:


Final Presentations


There will be fabulous prizes in the form of Spot Awards sent to each member of a winning team!

Our judges will pick one winning team per prize category there will not be separate judging for internal vs external teams (so team up with anyone!)

The prize will be:

Prize Categories

  1. Built to Last

  2. Most ambitious

  3. Biggest improvement for our open source community

  4. Judge’s Choice

Occasionally Asked Questions

Can contractors participate?

Can the Open edX community participate?

I want to help, or to be a judge, or I have a really cool idea for how to run this!