Blended Development is thoughtfully pairing internal edX product delivery resources with external Open edX development Community capacity on clearly scoped projects in a way that accelerates our delivery timelines, ensures quality development practices, improves platform health, and improves our ability to get Open edX ecosystem help in the future. Blended Development can help with additional capacity or needed skills for a project which in turn can help get high-quality / high-value work to the finish line faster and more efficiently.

Making optimal use of the Open edX community will ideally let us get valuable work into and through the pipeline on a more accelerated and budget-friendly scale. The Community has a encompasses a vast range of expertise, and understands the inner workings of our software just as much--if not more--as we do.

Blended Benefits and Value

The Open edX squad and extended Community have your back!

Blended development can help you and your team(s) improve lead time and get more items to the finish line!

We have access to an amazing Community of developers that want to help!

How do I know if my project is a candidate for Blended Development?

NOTE: You can always reach out directly to the Open edX team and ask for feedback as well!

How do I get started?

Resources and Contact