
Meeting minutes

Open edX BTR working group
Meeting notes Sept 27, 2021, 13:00 UTC



·         Code Freeze date: Oct15th 2021 for maple release: Due in part to US Holiday the 11th and Edx local holiday the 12 it was determined that the best date would be the 15th of October 2021

·         Non-MFE Payment Flow
Opencraft are working on this but no update in time for this meeting

·         Bulk email templates contains many edX-specific reference (and are thus unusable)
Started but not finished yet attempting by the 15th

·         Blockstore integration in maple: this is an initiative between OpenCraft and edX to include blockstore in the default build of open edX in the future. Currently used by Lab Exchange from OpenCraft. There remains some coding work to be done before merge. On Release will be turned off by default. Once in master branch can be tried by others for other purposes.  Will require instructions on use for others before it can become a Tutor plugin. Unknown at this time if it will make the deadline for maple

·       Learning MFEe
Have made key progress from @Regis is included in the “edge” (name change eminent) of Tutor as an edge MFE for use. While it meets branding requirements fixed headers mean it does not fit a Comprehensive theming level of customisation. How to test and use this is described in a Tutor post

·         Support Profile MFE

o    Support for the Profile MFE · Issue #28 · openedx/build-test-release-wg ( this is not being looked at by edX need a community volunteer to pick up documentation  @Regisb will look at this from

·         Support for Gradebook MFE


o    Assigned to @jfavellar90 who will talk to person arranged in edx about this. This was the first MFE and is not been done in the template hence issue with internationalization. Report back next update. Still waiting for a reply from the edX team around this  there is a fix to be merged in master for the parameter issue and there has been some work that may allow internationalisation to be done check next meeting

·         CodeJail Support: has been merged for maple into main edx master Will be checked for who will provide ongoing support and updates for this.

·         Note of Change:  Item 5 on evaluation of MFE will become does it support branding and can headers be modified and changed. MFE were not intended to meet full comprehensive theming going forward but a simple branding level of design.


·         No updates on other ogoing update to mongo or elastisearch Sarina and Ned will check on those for next meeting and try to get a public update out in meantime

·         Future Supported installation methods being Tutor from Maple:

o    While the majority of features of edx have been accommodated people are directed to the Spreadsheet of open edX tools and Tutor plugins listed here and encouraged to check this out and add their comments/features

o    No one in the open edX BTR group is intending on supporting non-Tutor installation methods (i.e. the ansible codebase) as of maple. At this time.

Date of next meeting: October 11 2021 at 15:00 UTC