The following architectural investments will benefit edX, Open edX, and the ecosystem. The developer estimates listed are for delivering initial iterations only - many of these effort will require further evolution..

Note: This is not a roadmap or backlog that is sorted in priority order. This is a categorized list of investments. For a roadmap view of this same information, please visit FY21 Architecture User Story Roadmap.

Ask: Please provide your thoughts via comments, etc. What is missing? What is unclear? What do you disagree with?

Contributable Open Core

In order to substantially reduce modifications to the core of our platform and sustainably accelerate platform development, invest in an API-based extensible-core with business-prioritized integration points.

Specific API enhancements:

Development Standardization & Efficiency

In order to speed up development in the platform, invest in addressing high-impact technical standardizations that are table stakes for any web platform. Further delay in addressing these only results in further debt.

Delightful Developer Experience & Efficiency

In order to improve developer onboarding experience and engagement, invest in platform enhancements that improve satisfaction for new (and returning) developers.