(blue star)Date

(blue star)Participants

(blue star) Recording

(blue star)Discussion topics






Community Test Plan Update


  • Are there any critical issues?

  • Are there any issues we need other working groups to fix? (e.g. Frontend)

  • Dean to allow editing to others on the spreadsheet and to be able to add comments

BTR at the Open edX conference

BTR is meeting 10am-12:30pm (5-6:30am EDT) on Friday

  • Should we change the time?

    • It might be a challenge to find a room or clash with other activities.

    • Sofiane Bebert is happy to ask Eden if that’s possible if we want to move the time.

  • BTR Group Presentation at the conference

    • Would anyone like to volunteer to present?

    • who would be available to participate assist? V/P

      • Dean V

      • Ned V

      • Sofiane V

      • Regis P

      • Felipe P

      • Peter V

  • 1:30 LT 8:30 EDT session with working group

Upgrade Node and Npm version for edxapp #6716

Sofiane Bebert

person has left community, and task is now owned by Adolfo Brandes and anyone who would like to take part

tutor ok with security changes in git

Régis B.

changes in integrations may be needed for changes to git security.
may not be a problem at this point in time. the team will monitor situation.

(blue star)Action items

(blue star)Decisions
