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Action Item Follow Up

Edward Zarecor

  • Both action items relate to fine grained user progress data, one serializing it to the database, one investigating how to emit it into the tracking logs. We should have a longer conversation about use-cases for reporting on this fine-grained progress data and needs related to scale, privacy, latency, etc.

Follow Up

Jill Vogel

Event taxonomy: from the A-Z list of tracking event types, event types are inconsistently named, which makes filtering difficult.
Is it possible to add taxonomy fields (category, subcategory) to these legacy events to make grouping/filtering possible? Or if this violates their “frozen” status, can we add this info to the xAPI events?
Follows up on Data WG 2022-02-10 - topic #1: tracking logs are a mess., and a request from Harvard Medical.

  • Ethics discussion on data event collection: consistent naming would make it easier for learners to identify which event types they want to opt-out of.


Action Item

Andrés González

I have a proposal for this wg: people who have worked in any analytics project can prepare a short presentation (10-20 min) about a technical topic and present it in the wg meeting. The idea is to talk in detail about a specific problem faced, and show how it was solved and what are the new challenges. Some examples: showing video statistics, converting logs to xAPI, extracting tracking logs, using datawarehouses, etc. It can be recorded and stored to create a data-wg knowledge center. If there is agreement on that, I can volunteer with the first one.


Quitterie Lucas

Check the mapping of problem related events (issue #15 on openedx/data-wg). A first proposal of the mapping of `problem_check` server event is available. Let’s see together what are the main information that remain in the xAPI standard and if it is enough ready to iterate on the other events

  • There was a project to add an xAPI/Caliper backend overlaying the existing tracking logs capability – mentions the problem_check event, so maybe they made some progress categorizing this event?

    • Edward Zarecor I’ve found this mapping in the repo that I had not seen in the RTD page. It does look like there is a mapping currently for problem_check. We should compare this to what Quitterie Lucas has produced and what I have done as well. My attempted mapping is here.

  • In spaces where the vocabulary is not currently established and fixated in a profile, we can propose updates based on our usecases.

  • FUN are more connected with the xAPI community than other members of DWG currently.

  • Julien Maupetit proposed an xAPI mapping working session to get members on the same level of understanding of the process.


Review of the currently know data use cases

Jenna Makowski

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