Product WG Meeting notes 


See #wg-open-edx-product-management



Double Diamond overview - Lightning talk slides

Question: How does tcril think the discovery / definition space might work? 

Question: How should the product working group be organized? Rotating topics, smaller subgroups? 

Duplication of Product Efforts 

Jenna Theme Recap

Stakeholder Choice

Platform Identity 

Community Centered Development

Platform Core

Jenna Recap - Smaller 

  1. Define Platform Areas List what is in the platform centrally, make it visible. 

  2. Initiative Visibility Make efforts visible as they exist today across the ecosystem (directory of ideas / work aka roadmap) 

  3. Contribution Processes Streamline contribution processes (OSPRs, bottlenecks) 

How do you prioritize among these? 

Introductions / Attendees