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Backport i81n string to nutmeg

 Ghassan Maslamani

Due to syncing glitch between TX and edx-platform. Nutmeg lost about +3 months of translation work. To resolve I suggest to backport strings to nutmeg so those can be used but this might be dangours.

PR https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/pull/30733


Course author MFE with tutor mfe

Ghassan Maslamani

Any guildine about running the course MFE with tutor… any flags needs to be setted?
Add to that course author MFE would be the first MFE (to my knowlege) that makes RESTful calls to CMS i.e CMS_HOST in tutor.


Who should be tagged for review when merging to release branches?

Kyle McCormick

I took a guess when I updated this page: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COMM/pages/2065367719/Making+a+pull+request+for+a+named+release#Making-a-change-that-also-belongs-on-master-(a-%E2%80%9Cbackport%E2%80%9D)

I wrote essentially: “release manager review required; team member review appreciated”


Release names: What’s after “Olive”?

Kyle McCormick

I’ve heard both “Palm” and “Poplar” floating around.


Product Working Group alignment

  • In what ways can BTR collaborate with the newly formed Product Working Group?

  • Where do our areas of interest or responsibility overlap?

  • How do we foresee our relationship with Product?

(blue star)Action items

(blue star)Decisions
