
Faqir Bilal

Wajahat Abbas

Dean Jay Mathew

George Babey

Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)

Shelly Upton

Xavier Antoviaque

Ryan O'Connell

Santiago Suarez

Samuel Paccoud

Ghassan Maslamani

Jenna Makowski

Edward Zarecor

Sarina Canelake

Kyle McCormick

Goals/Next steps from last meeting (07-05):

Agenda Items for 07-19:

Agenda Item



Notes/Next steps

Governance and Charter

Jenna Makowski

  1. Jenna to give a brief overview of highlights. Open floor for questions/comments. Agree to a deadline for acceptance and discuss test-drive opportunities.


Next steps - Get draft text into Wiki and open for next two weeks for in-line commentary, questions, feedback. Discuss outstanding concerns synch/1:1 where needed over next two weeks, and aim to “ratify” by next meeting. Discuss plan to test drive and iterate. It’s not a static document.

Wiki version available: Charter

Project Brief Overview

Faqir Bilal

Faqir to lead discussion on translating the idea board into project briefs. Discuss next steps for building backlog/prioritizing.

Idea Board Project Briefs

Consensus that the proposed template for project briefs works well.

Soft prioritization of the following briefs against the North Star Goal to Define a Core Product Offering:

And continued prioritization of

Next steps: The goal is to fully flesh the above 3 product briefs by the next meeting. Interested Members can add their names and pair asynchronously.

BTR and Product

Dean Jay Mathew Kyle McCormick Ghassan Maslamani

  • Build-Test-Release (BTR): Update from BTR Working Group about possible synergies/working relationship

General interest in aligning BTR workflows with Product input. Next goal is to flesh

  • Topics to include: Goal to arrive at a shared understanding of what “done” and “shipped in Named Release X” mean/are defined on the Community Roadmap

  • Goal to arrive at a shared understanding of vocabulary for aligning Core Product Offering elements with BTR workflows - ie definitions for “supported”, “included” etc

To cover next time:

4. ALU project - context and call for user reviewers: Atomic Learning Unit Initiative (soon to be renamed)

5. Item from a previous meeting: Insights from different partners about key challenges/opportunities from the organizations/industries that they work with/in (segmented by verticals or use cases: L&D, higher ed, etc.)

6. Two ideas for subsequent meetings:

-Sarina/Jenna to present on ideas for Product Manager Core Contributor program

-Kyle/Jenna to present/workshop on ideas/model for Core Product Offering and its intersection with Tech Core