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What is the event bus?

The event bus is a means for asynchronous communication between services using the pub/sub model. The Open edX platform uses OpenEdxPublicSignals to send events within a service, based on Django Signals. The event bus extends these signals, allowing them to be broadcast and handled across multiple services.

Currently, we have two implementation of event bus, i.e. Kafka, a distributed event streaming application and Redis Streams, a data structure that acts like an append-only log.

We have created abstraction layers in openedx_events: to help developers use other technologies such as Pulsar. See for more on the decision to use Kafka for the initial implementation.

Why use the event bus?

The event bus can help us achieve loose coupling between services, replacing blocking requests between services and large sync jobs, leading to a faster, more reliable, and more extensible system. See event messaging architectural goals to read more about its benefits.


More about the Open edX event bus

OEP on event bus architecture -

ADR on how the event bus interacts with Django signals -

More about Kafka


As other concretely implementations are created (i.e. alternatives to Kafka), this how-to will need to be adjusted. See How to add a new concrete implementation of the event bus for more details.

As other concretely implementations are created (i.e. alternatives to Kafka), this how-to will need to be adjusted. See How to add a new concrete implementation of the event bus for more details.

Before starting, it may be helpful to read up on Kafka and familiarize yourself with the ideas of topics, consumer groups, partitions, at-least-once guarantees, etc.

The documentation at is quite thorough and has information about both Kafka in general and the Confluent platform in particular. Confluent is one third-party hosting option for Kafka.

More about Redis

Before starting, it may be helpful to read up on Redis streams and familiarize yourself with the ideas of streams, consumer groups, etc.

The documentation at is quite good.

Before you start

Your organization may have already made a choice around Kafka vs Redis, and other organization specific details around hosting, testing, etc. Your organization may also have its own supporting how-to documentation.

To use a Kafka based event bus, you will need a Kafka cluster. You can either set up one yourself or use a hosted solution like Confluent. See for more information on’s decision to use Confluent.

Broker setup

Redis local broker setup


Devstack defaults to redis event bus, so no special setup is required.


If you do not use devstack, an easy way to set up a Redis locally is to follow the instructions here: . You will have to make sure your services can connect to redis so set EVENT_BUS_REDIS_CONNECTION_URL appropriately.

Kafka local broker setup


If you are using devstack, you can run your own local Kafka broker alongside all your other containers:

  1. Run make dev.up.kafka-control-center

  2. Check at localhost:9021 to see if the control center is up. It sometimes takes a bit (~2 minutes) and occasionally requires a bit of restarting

  3. Add the following configurations to your service’s (or equivalent environment file)

    EVENT_BUS_KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL = 'http://edx.devstack.schema-registry:8081'
    EVENT_BUS_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS = 'edx.devstack.kafka:29092'
  4. Follow the instructions at to test your event bus setup


If you do not use devstack, an easy way to set up a Kafka cluster locally is to follow the instructions here: You will have to make sure your services can connect to the broker and set EVENT_BUS_KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL and EVENT_BUS_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS appropriately.

Remotely-hosted Kafka broker setup

In addition to following your provider’s instructions, you may be interested in these particular broker configuration settings.

Defining events

Creating a new event

New events are created as instances of OpenEdxPublicSignals in . You should add your signal(s) in the relevant subdomain folder, or create a new one if your subdomain is not present. See edX DDD Bounded Contexts for the current division of subdomains.

For purposes of this document, we’ll assume you created a signal in openedx_events/learning/ called MY_EVENT_HAPPENED with an event type of my.event.happened .

Event design

Events are meant to help with decoupling services and teams, and are meant to be consumed by multiple services. When designing a new event, it should be a collaboration between the team who owns the data and will maintain the event producing, the team that is first interested in consuming the new event, and other potential consumers (where possible).

Start by reading this documentation:

Multiple events

There may be some cases where you will want to create multiple events to be sent to the same topic. For example, when tying events to a model, you may want separate MY_MODEL_CREATED, MY_MODEL_UPDATED, and MY_MODEL_DELETED events. This should also be discussed with the team who owns the producing service and any potential consumers.

See for when and why you may wish to use multiple event types on a single topic.

Event evolution

Events may need to evolve over time, which will change their schema definition. Behind the scenes in the Kafka implementation, there is a Schema Registry, which is meant to help ensure that any schema changes are non-breaking. The Redis implementation does not support schema evolution.

More work may be needed around event evolution, but is being deferred until there is a real need. For now, we recommend against changing the schema of an event in production. Instead you may wish to create a new event/topic with the new schema. See for details.


First-time setup

If this is the first time a service is using the event bus, you will need to do some initial setup to use the event bus library. This should only need to be done once per service.

Producing a signal

As of openedx-events 9.0.0 version, producing a signal to event bus is possible by just adding below settings to the host application and including openedx_events in INSTALLED_APPS setting.

# .. setting_name: EVENT_BUS_PRODUCER_CONFIG
# .. setting_default: all events disabled
# .. setting_description: Dictionary of event_types mapped to dictionaries of topic to topic-related configuration.
#    Each topic configuration dictionary contains
#    * `enabled`: a toggle denoting whether the event will be published to the topic. These should be annotated
#       according to
#    * `event_key_field` which is a period-delimited string path to event data field to use as event key.
#    Note: The topic names should not include environment prefix as it will be dynamically added based on
    'org.openedx.content_authoring.xblock.published.v1': {
            {'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': False},
            {'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': False},
    'org.openedx.content_authoring.xblock.deleted.v1': {
            {'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': False},

The above setting is read on application startup and a generic handler is connected to each event type allowing users to push to event bus without writing additional code.


Consuming uses an infinite loop, which doesn’t follow Django’s typical request pattern. Take care if using code that expects a more typical request pattern, like atomic requests.

First-time setup

If this is the first time the service is consuming from the event bus, you will also need to do some setup. This should only be done once per service.

In particular, you will need

Consuming the signal

Error handling

Automatic error handling is still a work in progress. edx-event-bus-kafka as of 1.9.0 and edx-event-bus-redis as of 0.1.0 logs what should be sufficient information to recover from most failures on both the consumer and producer sides. (This includes: Keys of events as they are produced, keys and values when producer fails, and keys, values, and offsets, when the consumer fails.) Theoretically, they can be replayed by manual script in case of an error.

In addition, as of version 3.5.1 of edx-event-bus-kafka you can replay all events in the consumer from a given time. To do this, you need to run your consuming command with the -o flag, like

./ consume_events -t my-event -g my_group -o 2023-01-01T00:00:00

As of version 4.0.0, edx-event-bus-kafka makes use of consumer API from openedx-events and depends on consume_events command from it. To reset offsets from this version on-wards you need to make use of --extra argument, like

./ consume_events -t my-event -g my_group --extra '{"offset_time": "2023-01-08T06:46:22"}'

This will replay all events that were received by Kafka after 2023-01-01. You need to specify the date in ISO format. You will want to have all consumers in the same consumer group run this command to make sure you capture all events across all partitions. As soon as all consumers are running the new command, they should then be redeployed to run without the -o option (even if replay is not yet finished.)

Beyond logging and replaying, there are a number of different recommended patterns for error handling, all of which are dependent on the use case and the risks of different types of errors. gives a pretty good summary of some of the available options you may wish to pursue. Eventually we may add some of these to the library but there are no immediate plans beyond the logging and replaying work mentioned above.

Events can be replayed with edx-event-bus-redis as well:

# for example pass check_backlog flag to redis consumer to 
# process all messages that were not read by this consumer group.
python consume_events -t user-login -g user-activity-service \
    --extra '{"check_backlog": true, "consumer_name": "c1"}'
# for example replay events from specific redis msg id.
python consume_events -t user-login -g user-activity-service \
    --extra '{"last_read_msg_id": "1679676448892-0", "consumer_name": "c1"}'

Event Bus Settings

You can find the docs for all EVENT_BUS_ settings using the following:

Special Kafka Configurations

At time of writing, the Open edX Kafka implementation of the event bus uses mostly the default settings on Producers and Consumers, and our Confluent Kafka instance is likewise mostly set up with the defaults, but there are many different configurations you may want to think about for your use case. None of these are yet supported but are written here as possible avenues for future work depending on need.


All the configurations are available here: . Of particular interest: - How long the producer will wait after receiving an event to actually produce it (default is 0, meaning we produce as soon as we receive). Lower values decrease latency and decrease chance of message loss due to server shutdown; higher values allow potentially more efficient batching. See also batch.size, especially if you choose to set above zero to take advantage of batching.

The defaults of acks=all, enable.idempotence=true, and retries > 0 all help promote in-order, exactly-once delivery to the broker.


All the configurations are available here: . Of particular interest: - This is explicitly set to False disabled in the current implementation.

When set to True, a background process will periodically commit the last processed offset. This means if server shutdown occurs in between commits, when the consumer starts back up, it may reprocess events that occurred after the last commit (this is how at-least-once delivery works.) However, it may also cause some events to be lost—those events which had been retrieved for processing but had not been processed.

When False, the caller is responsible for calling consumer.commit() to commit offsets after processing the message.


We currently do not set any of these configurations in code, only on our Confluent Kafka instance. All broker configurations are here: . Of particular interest:

auto.create.topics.enable - When True, will automatically create new topics when an event is produced to them. We recommend setting this to False for stage/production environments for better regulation of topics



The maintainers of the event production and each event consumer may be different teams.

The maintainers of the event production and each event consumer may be different teams.

See “Error Handling” for details on error logging.

Other observability options:


You’ll likely want alerting for the following:

Open Questions

Some issues we have not yet addressed include:

Private Organization Links


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