Today, design and technical ownership for Paragon lives with Adam Butterworth (Deactivated). Adam has transitioned to a new role, Product Design Manager for Engagement Theme and no longer has bandwidth to serve as the technical owner for Paragon.

Moving forward, Adam Stankiewicz will be the technical owner. This document outlines the state of Paragon and its roadmap, followed by the responsibilities of the , , , , and .

The state of Paragon

Paragon contains designed and implemented over 47 components (depending on how you count) and a full featured SASS styling framework expanded from Bootstrap. It is documented in Figma and on the technical doc site.

Paragon is an “adolescent” design system

Paragon’s maturity as a design system falls somewhere around stage 3. We’re probably seeing an acceleration in development, but given all the work we’ve put in it might not feel like it yet. We still have a large body of work we can invest in to continue to get more efficiency using the design system.

Components Design & Implementation Status

We currently have about 47 stable components in Paragon. For comparison, there are about 72 stable components in Polaris and a rough count of about 60 in Material React. Additions to Paragon are currently proposed at a rate of about 2 components per month. Adam Butterworth (Deactivated): I expect this rate of additions to continue for the next year or two.

Source data: Paragon Components Status Google Sheet

Architectural Roadmap

The architectural roadmap needs more definition and prioritization, but avenues of investment are currently envisioned under a handful of larger initiatives:

  1. Ease of Access

  2. Ease of Use

  3. Increased Power and Value

Ease of Access

(blue star) Make it possible to use Paragon in as many codebases as possible

  • Enable the BD-39 effort to support Paragon in edx-platform

(blue star) Make it easy to stay on the latest version of Paragon.

(blue star) Decouple component SASS to increase component modularity and enable runtime theming.

  • Adopt CSS variables for theming

    • Upgrade to Bootstrap 5 (which uses css variables). Note ie11 is not supported.

    • Compile and publish Paragon SASS core, and each component sass independently as separate css files.

      • expect theming to be done via CSS Variables

Ensure Paragon support Webpack 5 module federation

Increase awareness of Paragon’s offerings

  • Develop and run regular Paragon trainings for engineers and designers

Ease of Use

(blue star) Identify and fix inconsistencies between the Paragon design spec and component implementations.

  • Catalog and fix implementation discrepancies

  • Fix lingering bugs.

  • Remove aging dependencies like sanitize-html

(blue star) Improve the clarity of the Paragon component documentation

Make the Paragon component api easier to use

  • Develop strict guidelines on React component design in Paragon

    • prop naming

    • controlled vs. uncontrolled component paradigms

    • method of providing escape hatches for customization

    • standard levels and methods of flexibility in components

  • Refactor old components to conform to the new standards

Improve the clarity in design specs about where Paragon components are used

  • Discover and create better ways to deliver design specs to engineering teams.

  • Share/teach this method to the design team

  • Encourage designers to understand the current state of implementation of components they use in their designs.

Increase the frequency that there is a component that matches our needs

  • Solicit feedback from designers and engineers on what is missing or on what they have made that may help others.

  • Review the OGSPs for product delivery teams and develop a list of potential additions.

Increased Power and Value

(blue star) Add internationalization support
(enables language-forward components to be added to Paragon)

Add i18n support with no dependency on frontend-platform

Add analytics features to clickable components

  • Make Hyperlink and Button work with frontend-platform analytics service out of the box. For complex components (Collapsible) offer an api that can track events at varying levels of component hierarchy.

Reduce the risk of making changes to components

  • Independently publish and version components via Lerna or other tool

    • Per component

    • icons published independently

Componentize common a11y needs

Make it easier to write a new component in Paragon (linting/code generators)

Outline of responsibilities

Design Owner

Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)

Technical Owner

Adam Stankiewicz

Paragon Working Group

(informal group of engineers and designers)

Engineering Squads

Writing and maintaining UI components is a core part of User Interface Development. We want to foster and encourage a culture of writing components needed by a given team, to a standard level of maturity, and then introducing those components directly into the Paragon ecosystem for sharing and re-use.

This development should be done in tandem with, and under the design and technical guidance of the design team and Paragon Technical Owner to ensure that components are as mature and effective as possible.

Squad Designers