(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

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(blue star) Goals

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(blue star) Discussion topics





< 5 minutes

Modal scrollbar

Gabriel Weinberg

  • https://github.com/openedx/paragon/issues/1556

  • Checklists for open community contributions?

    • Yes-ish, but not an official contributing guide, and should be added

  • [Jeff] how is dialog size determined? by content or consumer?

    • Automatically based on content

  • We will add a “Good first issue” label to this and see if it gets picked up by an open source contributor. Otherwise, we wil

5 minutes

Dropdown Dark Variant

Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

10 minutes

Fixed Width containers in responsive views

Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

(blue star) Action items

Add action items to close the loop on open questions or discussion topics:

(blue star) Decisions

Type /decision to record the decisions you make in this meeting:
