A complete list of the Open edX Use Cases and corresponding Mindmaps.

Higher Education/Public Education/National Platforms:

  1. Use case: Deliver online courses asynchronously and at scale

    1. Mindmap: https://www.mindmeister.com/map/2385779758?t=FnCLcUqgZ7

    2. Ticket: https://github.com/openedx/platform-roadmap/issues/192

Higher Education - Residential

  1. Use case: Open edX as a campuswide LMS solution

    1. Mindmap: ToDo

    2. Ticket: https://github.com/openedx/platform-roadmap/issues/193

  2. Use case: Open edX as a tool to enhance teaching and learning

    1. Mindmap: ToDo

    2. Ticket: https://github.com/openedx/platform-roadmap/issues/201


  1. Use Case: Open edX as a platform to deliver corporate/commercial training programs

    1. Mindmap: ToDo

    2. Ticket: https://github.com/openedx/platform-roadmap/issues/194