The three statuses above and their possible values:

For more information see the

A flexible, content-agnostic component for carousels where users may cycle through a row of elements that overflows its container.


Alena Egorova Adam Stankiewicz

Slack channel

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Paragon Jira ticket

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(blue star) Variants

Brainstorming based on existing known use cases for Carousel (see screenshots below):

Variants: * Buttons vs scroll * button size * Scroll increment type * Custom button elements

examples as Nav, Main-Content, and sub-content

(blue star) Best Practices



(blue star) Related Components

Existing Carousel component in Paragon

We have an existing Carousel component in Paragon via react-bootstrap.

It defines a top-level Carousel component with a Carousel.Item subcomponent that denotes each “slide” within the carousel. It also has a Carousel.Caption sub-component to be used inside of Carousel.Item.

The Carousel we have today supports an optional fade prop to have the carousel items fade in/out instead of slide.

The Carousel component as we have it today does not seem to support the use case where you can see more than one carousel item at once and scroll left/right of the overflow with the left and right arrow icon buttons.

Carousel use cases observed throughout the platform

Carousel of partner image logos on

Carousel of Chip components on

Carousel of Card components in UI mock:

Note how these 3 use cases are not so much flipping between carousel items, but instead, scrolling through a horizontal row of content that overflows outside of its container controlled via the left/right arrow icon buttons.

(blue star) Specification

What does an engineer need to know in order to build this component? TBD.

Redlined Design Spec

Paste a link to a Figma frame here and choose "Display as embed"...

(blue star) Behaviors

Add rows to this table outlining individual behaviors of the component.

Descriptions of a behavior should contain any specification detail needed to build it, including animation timing.

(blue star) Accessibility

Add rows to the table outlining focus management, semantic markup, or other a11y related specifications...


Notes from collaborator conversations or meetings regarding this component.