Community Contributed Pull Requests Overview

Community contributed pull requests are also known as “OSPR”s (suggestions for other names welcome!). OSPR is a shorthand term for all pull requests issued against the `openedx` GitHub organization that are not generated from the Axim or 2U teams. These PRs need an amount of management: 

OSPR Project Manager Community Position

There is a need for one or more people in the community to help out with OSPRs, in a process we call “OSPR Triage.” This position will be known as the “OSPR Project Manager” position. These people would need to take at least 10-20 hours per month following up on old OSPRs, helping new OSPRs get connected to the right resources, and generally fielding questions. This is a slightly technical position, but can be done by someone who is not a coder.

OSPR Project Manager Access Rights

The Project Manager will need Triage Permissions on all repositories that are a part of the Open edX Platform, as the position requires the following abilities:

Given the above, this will require all OSPR Project Managers to first apply for Core Contributor rights via the standard process.

Specific Responsibilities

What follows is a set of questions and answers to situations that an OSPR Project Manager may face. There will certainly be situations that arise that are not answered here. Questions about these should go to the Axim team.

Status Alerts / Prompt Descriptions

“This branch out-of-date with the base branch”

“This branch has conflicts that must be resolved”

“Review Required. At least 1 approving review is required by reviewers with write access”

“1 review requesting changes by reviewers with write access.”

Checks and Follow-Up

Although it’s not strictly required (cf. note below), it can be a good idea to explicitly ask if a PR is ready for review:


The OSPR bot’s initial responses to new PRs include notes like:

  • Please let us know once your PR is ready for our review and all tests are green.

  • This is currently a draft pull request. When it is ready for our review and all tests are green, click "Ready for Review", or remove "WIP" from the title, as appropriate.

The OSPR bot’s initial responses to new PRs include notes like:

  • Please let us know once your PR is ready for our review and all tests are green.

  • This is currently a draft pull request. When it is ready for our review and all tests are green, click "Ready for Review", or remove "WIP" from the title, as appropriate.

When should we close an old pull request?

Checks “not complete” vs. “failed”? Who looks into failed checks?

When to ping on WIP/draft PRs?

What if CLA is missing from 2U/Arbisoft/Lahore staff?

All checks passed; no conflicts = OK to merge?

Useful Links and Resources

External Contributions GitHub Board  

Core Contributors and their repos

Core Contributors to the Open edX Project  

Contributions Board Status and Labels for Open Source Contributions


Issue tracker: openedx-webhooks

Current OSPR Project Managers

Open TODO items

  1. Update the bot to provide a welcome message saying test won’t run if you are a first time contributor

  2. Come up with a list of common issues when running checks - OSPR Project Managers can link to this doc when people have questions

    1. Sarina & Feanil will help create

    2. First part done - message about how to get CLA help is now messaged when the bot makes a comment on a PR without a CLA; see pull request for bot changes.

    3. Draft document up for the “doc for questions”. Not sure where to put it in the docs site, but comments can go here: until I’m able to get a PR up in the proper place.

Finished TODO items

  1. Make a GitHub group such as @openedx/cla-problems in GitHub, whose members are all the OSPR Project Managers, so people have an easy way to ask questions

    1. Feanil will help create