2U is migrating its internal Slack workspaces. This document explains the implications for the Open edX Slack, and Open edX community members.

The Open edX Slack is a public Slack used by the entire community. Some of its channels are shared with other Slack instances, including the edX Slack, now owned by 2U.

2U is undertaking a migration of its private Slack workspaces. The original edX Slack (edx-internal.slack.com) will be retired, replaced with a new instance, twou.slack.com. The Open edX Slack (openedx.slack.com) will remain owned and administered by tCRIL for use by the community.

The 2U migration only affects the wider community where Slack channels have been shared with the edX Slack. Slack channels have an owning organization, and can be shared with other organizations. What happens to shared channels now depends on which organization owns the channel:

You’ll notice that edX people who have the edX icon on their profile picture will soon be 2U people with a 2U icon. They are the same friendly helpful people they have always been!

The changes should all be made by the middle of November, but will be starting sooner than that.