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(blue star) Discussion topics





Certificates update

Glib Glugovskiy

  • Series of ADRs are in draft

    • MFE ADR will require ~20 additional hours of work.

    • Issuer ADR will require ~1 additional hour of work

    • Django Apps ADR will require ~6 additional hours of work.

    • Reserving some buffer for writing an OEP to pull all of the threads together.

  • Glib Glugovskiy expects to have complete sign and verify scope and estimation finalized next week

  • Investigating the py to js bridge as a potential solution, at least for MVP, for using the DCC library code.

Python sign and verify

Edward Zarecor

We have agreement in principle for creating and hosting at the openedx GitHub organization a python implementation of the sign and verify library code.

Move forward with this work depends upon current py to js bridge discovery.

Old Mongo scope

Edward Zarecor

We are creating a new scope document for completing the Old Mongo deprecation that will include:

  • scope to fix the broken or skipped tests that were referencing the deprecated modulestore.

  • scope to migrate the signature assets used for certificates from GridFS via c4x via Old Mongo.

  • Roman Yeskov will provide a single scoping document for both milestones that will include any required hours for project management.

(blue star) Action items

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(blue star) Decisions

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