This list is intended to help the Product Owner and Scrum teams in planning for new features.  

Feature Summary:


Feature Release Dates:

Saudi (Takamol)  
Open edX Named release  


Product Owner:

Engineering Lead:

UX Lead:

Documentation Lead:

PM Contact:

Marketing Contact:

Training Contact:

Course Staff Support:

Student Support:

Does this substantially change partner experience?

(If yes, consider webinar, blog post, portal highlight)


Does this substantially change Open edX experience?

(If yes, consider blog post, portal highlight)


Does this substantially change researcher experience?

(If yes, consider blog post, portal highlight)


Does this substantially change student experience?

(If yes, notify student support team via or support team meeting)

Should draft documentation be shared before release? 

(If yes, provide link)


Doc Task (to be done concurrently with development)Required?If yes, JIRA Number
String/message review of UX plans  
Final string reviews in software  
Add Help links/tokens  
Student-facing documentation changes  
Course staff documentation changes - Studio  
Course staff documentation changes - Insights  
Course staff documentation changes - Instructor Dashboard  
Open Education XML documentation changes  
Researcher documentation changes - SQL/Mongo  
Researcher documentation changes - Events  
API documentation changes  
Configuration changes copy changes  
Include in Upcoming Features in Release Notes  
Evaluate DemoX Impact  
Evaluate edX101 Impact  
Evaluate Training Impact  



Rollout Task (after Customer Portal launch)Required?If yes, JIRA Number
Include in Release Notes  
Partner Blog Post  
Open edX Blog Post  
Partner Home Page Highlight (Dates)  
Open edX Home Page Highlight (Dates)  
Feature Page  
Demo (Engineering/Client/Prod Council)  
Internal Lunch and Learn/Q&A