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5 minutes

[inform] Card component now supports variant prop

Adam Stankiewicz


Our pattern is typically to use a dark variant Card for programs and pathways to differentiate them from courses. However, the Paragon Card component didn’t natively support this.

Consumers have been using custom styles to override the default Card styles to implement dark variant cards.

As of this morning, Card component supports a variant prop that allows the following options so consumers no longer should need to override the background color of Card:

  • light

  • dark

  • muted

Supported in versions later than v20.22.1



2 minutes

question Open edX talks

Kaleb Davenport

I would be interested in doing a design system related talk at the open edX conference, but because I have been missing the meetings for a bit, I’m wondering what kinds of talks would be most beneficial to Paragon and to the group that I might share.


multiselect in progress design demo

Ben Schenerman

  • how to handle selections during autocomplete use case

  • when to wrap text input during autocomplete use case


  • The autocomplete float to top looks great! I’m curious what the experience looks like if the selected items are all hidden during an active search and then re-appear once the search is complete.

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