Where is the Open edX Roadmap?

What are the goals of the Roadmap?

The goals of the Roadmap are threefold:

  1. To comprehensively document all current, planned work in-flight across the Open edX ecosystem.

  2. To provide insight into early stage projects that may not be planned but are in the pipeline and may impact the Open edX ecosystem in significant ways.

  3. To provide a framework for documenting and prioritizing ideas for future development and investment.

Why do we need a Roadmap?

Ideally, a comprehensive, up-to-date Roadmap would answer questions such as:

What is the current status of the Roadmap?

The Roadmap is an iterative work-in-progress. The first Milestone for the Roadmap is underway. The goal for the first Milestone is to ensure all in-flight work across the ecosystem is represented on the Roadmap. This includes contributions from tCRIL, 2U/edX, and all contributing Providers.

Can I add my organization’s contributions to the Roadmap?

Yes! We need your participation in order to make the Roadmap a successful and meaningful artifact. Instructions for how to add your contributions are here.