(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants


Please be advised: Frontend Working Group meetings are recorded.

(blue star) Discussion topics





5-10 mins

Avoiding devstack-specific values post js-based config

Brian Smith

  • Relevant issue

  • Relevant PR comment

  • Tentative consensus that config files shouldn’t be committed to MFE repos with hard-coded assumptions about the environment they’re running in

  • A large DEPR conversation about switching to .env to .js: David will type it up in a proper DEPR ticket

5-10 min

Enzyme Deprecation (blue star)

Ben Warzeski


5 min

Upgrades status

Jeremy Bowman

  • Node 16->18 upgrade nearly complete (modulo outliers like edx-platform)

  • react-router 5->6 upgrade is well along, draft PRs already in most repos

    • Ok to check in the upgrade if it’s already done

    • David Joy (Deactivated) : is there a way to leverage frontend-platform to make the upgrade saner? (A new component that all MFEs import)

      • Not needed right now

  • React 16->17 upgrade next after that, expected to be straightforward

  • React 17->18 blocked by Enzyme issue

5 min

MFE dev pain points poll

Jeremy Bowman

  • Is anything particularly painful for MFE dev in Tutor?

  • Same for devstack

  • Pondering stub servers/pact as project for summer intern; anything higher priority in this space, or does that work?

(blue star) Action items

(blue star) Decisions

63ab7aed-3cc3-4d91-8e0a-f764c606ffa6DECIDED9877b63c-ef41-4194-afbb-20dce87bd71f(Majority, but not unanimous) When deprecation .env files, their replacement shouldn't be committed to MFE repos with hard-coded assumptions about the environment they're running inb8d1e50b-1eff-4bef-b9c8-12638f3f650bDECIDEDNo new code should be written in enzyme as of today: the DEPR process will start ASAPef432f51-ac99-4b21-8ec1-d3d1a5b498baDECIDED