This is very much a collection of thoughts prompted by some recent discussions, and is not a plan of action or even a coherent proposal at this point.


Right now, there’s bi-directional synchronization of Studio and Discovery course metadata. This is a source of confusion and operational pain:


Current State

Within edx-platform the flow of course scheduling goes: Studio ModuleStore → Course Overview → LMS

Outside of edx-platform, there is a bidirectional relationship between Studio Modulestore ↔︎ course-discovery. The publisher tries to keep these in sync.

Proposal 1: Upstream Course Provisioning

Follow-on Thoughts

Provisioning is its own family of apps (DDD subdomain even?), that would include:

But it doesn’t include other marketing-related details, like description, logo, professor bios and the like.

WIP (this is really half-baked) High Level Picture



Course Admin




If the provisioning apps were a separate repo that could be installed into any service, then we could have it work in one of two modes–primary or replica. Then we could have a message bus driven replication mode so that every service would get updates of course runs, users, and role data.


Salesforce Object Manager

Field List

Field Editor