(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants


Please be advised: Frontend Working Group meetings are recorded.

(blue star) Discussion topics





5 min

Moving packages from @edx to @openedx

Adolfo Brandes

Which of these should we move? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13hAbxdVrUC9eQuEDqJyQ0tdnab1x6niLOrKf6ViOvWg/edit#gid=0

  • Can we leverage release.yaml to automate this?

  • Knowledge sharing with 2U Inc about NPM situation

5 min

@openedx piral version npm suffix?

Adolfo Brandes

What should we suffix experimental npm packages with? What should the version be?

  • Instead of just “-alpha”, “-piral-alpha”, using the next major version

  • For MFEs/pilets themselves:

    • They’re not published to NPM right now anyway

    • We’re likely publishing to and consuming them from S3, so not a big concern

5 min

Reorganizing OEP-11

Adolfo Brandes


5 min

Ditching Zoom

Adolfo Brandes

There’s been backlash at the new TOS, and I feel like instead of imposing it on our WG members, we should move to another provider. Likely Google Meet, but I’m taking suggestions.

10-15 min


Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

Open, stable PRs against multiple Repos both using and not using typescript, with working CI. What are next steps to getting the alpha branch of frontend-build merged to master?

importing but not using TS:

importing and using:

5-10 min

Automated a11y testing

Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)

We stopped using pa11ycrawler and Selenium tests using axe-core, intending to choose better tools later. Where are we now, and what are next steps?

5 min

Frontend plugins

Jason Wesson

  • 2U wants to use plugins for Learner Home/Dashboard

  • Jason (Aperture team) and Vanguards team has taken upon themselves to see this through

    • New ADR on frontend-platform on how to handle iframe failure; not have that fallback method exist in frontend-platform, but have the MFE handle it

    • JS tubular configuration PR

(blue star) Action items

(blue star) Decisions

63ab7aed-3cc3-4d91-8e0a-f764c606ffa69877b63c-ef41-4194-afbb-20dce87bd71fDECIDEDWe’ll move to Google Meet starting next meeting16af906d-2ea6-4c44-80dc-e6f4b2f903e5DECIDEDWe’ll start talking about trying out open source meeting tools going forward