Since Docker started charging for Docker Desktop licenses (under somewhat confusing terms and circumstances) in 2022, there has been an explosion of interest in alternative runtimes for Linux containers on macOS and Windows. Here are some notes on the ones we’ve tried with devstack on macOS so far (and ones that won’t work with devstack as it is right now).

Important notes:

Docker Desktop


Free for “individuals, non-commercial open source developers, students and educators, and small businesses of fewer than than 250 employees AND less than $10 million in revenue.” Otherwise, $5-$24 per user per month depending on organization size (2U falls in the $24 bucket). See for details.


  1. Talk to your IT department if you work at a company that has one, to determine if you need a license and your company has paid for one. If you need a license and they don’t want to pay for one, pick a different runtime.

  2. Download the appropriate version for your operating system from

  3. Run the downloaded installer; give it admin privileges if it asks for them

  4. Go to Settings → Advanced and make sure that the CLI tools are installed via System and the default Docker socket is enabled (these are sometimes missed during installation if the installer somehow fails to get admin privileges).


Other Notes



Free during the beta period. After that, tentatively free for personal/education use or $8 per month per user for commercial use. See for details.


  1. Verify on that OrbStack is still in the free beta period. If the beta period has ended and you work for a business, check with your IT department if they are willing to pay for a license for you. If not, pick a different runtime.

  2. Download the appropriate version for your operating system from

  3. Open the downloaded installer and drag the app to the Applications folder.

  4. Run the application.

  5. Select “Docker” (instead of “Linux”) from the first dialog to ask you a question.

  6. Optionally click “Migrate” to preserve database volumes, etc. from an existing Docker Desktop installation.


Other Notes



Free and open source (MIT license).


  1. If you haven’t already installed Homebrew, do so via .

  2. Run brew install colima

  3. Run brew install docker

  4. Run colima start --edit and customize some of the settings (they will be saved to a config file as the defaults for future colima start runs):

    1. Set disk to 96

    2. Set memory to 8

    3. Set vmType to vz

    4. Set rosetta to true - only if you are on an Apple Silicon Mac

    5. Set mountType to virtiofs


Other Notes

Rancher Desktop


Free and open source (Apache 2.0).


  1. Download the appropriate version for your operating system from

  2. Open the downloaded installer and drag the app to the Applications folder.

  3. Run the Rancher Desktop application and in the setup dialog choose the defaults as of this writing:

    1. Enable the latest stable Kubernetes

    2. The dockerd (moby) Container Engine

    3. Automatic path configuration

  4. Under Settings → Virtual Machine → Hardware, increase Memory to 8GB

  5. Under Settings → Virtual Machine → Emulation, select VZ and Enable Rosetta Support

  6. Under Settings → Virtual Machine → Volumes, select virtiofs

  7. Click the button to Apply the settings changes


---> pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs
rm -rf common/static/common/js/vendor/ common/static/common/css/vendor/
rmdir common/static/common/css || true
make[1]: *** [impl-dev.provision] Error 255
make: *** [dev.provision] Error 2

Podman Desktop


Free and open source (Apache 2.0).


  1. Download the appropriate version for your operating system from

  2. Open the downloaded installer and drag the app to the Applications folder.

  3. Run the Podman Desktop application


Mac: 3h 15minutes on a 2019 Macbook Pro. So not a direct comparison with the above numbers, but pretty suggestive that you should avoid this if at all possible. Linux performance is reportedly much better.

Other Notes


There doesn’t seem to be a clean way to use docker-compose directly with Minikube, although tools like could feasibly get significant chunks of devstack functionality working in it. It may be a good choice for Tutor deployments via Kubernetes, though.