For upgrading an IDA from Django 3.2 to Django 4.2, following milestones need to be completed. Each milestone has the necessary guidelines and plan of action mentioned to make it easier for the teams to identify the needed actions.

Upgrade Milestones

Under the effort of Django 4.2 Upgrade, complete all of the following steps to complete the upgrade.

Major Blockers in the Upgrade

Dropped Support for MySQL 5.7

PyMemCacheBackend Removal

New Migrations when upgrading to Django 4.2

Major Changes in Django 4.* releases

Many more minor changes can be found in the change-logs for Django 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2. A few major changes identified through the changes by the tech-arbi-bom team while adding Django 4.2 support in edx-platform are mentioned below.

Changes in Django 4.0 Release

Changes in Django 4.1 Release

Changes in Django 4.2 Release