(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants


(blue star) Goals

List goals for this meeting (e.g., Set design priorities for FY19)

(blue star) Discussion topics





Action Items (blue star)

Quince release:

  • on Tuesday Quince master branch was cut

  • Palm.3 was cut on Friday, as we were waiting for backports

MFEs are not working in Quince

Régis B. Adolfo Brandes

  • React router upgrade incompatible with PUBLIC_PATH setting.

  • Fix was made in frontend-platform, but all MFEs need a library update.

  • Revealed a need for MFE developers to use Tutor for development.

Adolfo Brandes is working on updating the MFEs to fix the PUBLIC_PATH issue. We’ll track it in https://github.com/openedx/wg-build-test-release/issues/307

UWSGI is no longer maintained

Régis B.

(blue star) Decisions