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Accessibility table

Vladyslav Zadorozhnii


  • Including the explicit keyboard support for each component is extremely helpful for contributors and consumers.

  • Intent is to eventually port this information over to the docs site.

  • We will be explicit about what a11y attributes (e.g., role) can be modified by consumers or not.

    • E.g., aria-label depends on the use case, whereas role="img" probably shouldn’t change depending on the use case (i.e., role attribute should not be overridable by consumers).


Vladyslav Zadorozhnii

  • SearchField

    • Style issues with current buttons in SearchField as implemented.

    • Q: Should the buttons be using the IconButton component?

    • Historically, SearchField was created before IconButton existed. We never considered implications for SearchField once IconButton was available.

    • Vladyslav Zadorozhnii will create a PR and GitHub issue to create a deploy preview around migrating SearchField to use the IconButton component instead.

(blue star) Action items

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