(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants


(blue star) Goals

List goals for this meeting (e.g., Set design priorities for FY19)

(blue star) Discussion topics





Action Items (blue star)

Quince release update

Jorge Londoño

  • Maksim Sokolskiy, could you please create a GH issue for each task you need help with? including the users being logged out issue

  • Régis B. reached out to the Arbisoft team in charge of the Django 4.2 upgrade to track the progress and current status

  • Maria Grimaldi will try to reach out the team in charge of maintaining the repo of [Test failure] TC_LEARNER_7: Can't create an account to ask them to review the PR and hopefully merge it.

  • Maria Grimaldi will create a new GH issue and post in Discuss for the CSFR and Django 4.2 issue to get input from the Community.

(blue star) Decisions