



Round robin progress updates (4min each)


  • RBAC (Bryan)

    • In internal solution review next week

    • Focused on the LMS

    • Initial focus was on “instructor, no editor”, but OpenCraft submitted a PR, limited author, that met this need, this covers the Studio use cases (edx-platform#32570)

    • They focus on LMS actions.

    • Will share proposal for feedback next week.

    • OpenCraft are actively developing an additional role with a deadline of September, best efforts will be made to coordinate, modulo deadlines.

  • File Management (Bryan)

    • ***Note: This project has been de-scoped

    • Update here: https://github.com/openedx/platform-roadmap/issues/247#issuecomment-1644654948

    • Thought was to combine file management mechanisms with video management. Implementations are distinct enough this feels intractable.

    • Team is focused on libraries V2, so there are some resource constraints

    • There will be a focus on file related bulk-actions

    • Anticipate picking this back up in 2U Q4.

    • There was a proposal to potentially use tags to represent folder structures.

    • There won’t be folders available for file management in August given that this has been descoped.

  • Stats panels (Jenna)

  • Graded Discussions (Cassie/Jenna/Elizabeth/Aamir)

    • On deck: Draft a spec with refined list of MVP requirements

    • Outlined MVP scope a couple weeks ago.

    • Jenna owns the work of putting together a draft approach doc and sharing.

    • Aamir owns primary review of product approach.

  • Studio Home (Jenna)

    • Update here: https://github.com/openedx/platform-roadmap/issues/256#issuecomment-1644623668

    • Goal was to align various stakeholder on approach.

    • Mike Leary from 2U lead a design sprint to reimagine what Studio Home might become.

    • Jenna and Brad Brown are prioritizing the stories that emerged from the design sprint.

    • Brad and Jenna aim to have the list of specs ready by the end of next week.

    • Review in August, shovel ready around the end of August

    • Jeremy Ristau discussed with Felipe Montoya and wanted the 2U team to handle the initial technical build to prepare to accept PRs on a solid foundation.

      • There probably needs to be some further clarification of implementation roles and responsibilities.

    • Will this work be phased? Yes. 12 month time horizon is the expectation. Broad agreement on 12 month roadmap, we’ll review each phase independently.

  • ORA rubric (Ed)

    • No substantive update

  • Central LTI config management (Fox/Jenna)

    • MVP Spec for LTI Consumer Strategy is here: Product Spec: LTI MVP and future phases

    • Pearson has submitted some PRs related to this

    • OpenCraft is reviewing how/if their work would need to be adjusted given the Pearson contributions, which were developed by eduNEXT on Pearson’s behalf.

  • 3rd party plagiarism tools (Felipe)

    • Currently doing a technical design using filters to send data to the turn it in API.

  • Flexible grading (Jenna)

    • No immediate updates. Looking at this in terms of the overall grading strategy and the core product definition work.

  • Credentials (Ed)

    • V1 completing now, I believe the final PRs have merged today.

  • SF Integration (Elizabeth/Fox)

    • Paulo Viadanna has been driving, but is on vacation

    • ASU have a successful integration for 3 separate projects

    • They’ve contributed some changes to the APIs that they have or will upstream

    • One API they have created is a course clone API to allow SalesForce to clone courses.

    • ASU are using the EDU package as standard extension

    • We can get a writeup of how this works from Paulo Viadanna and the ASU SF admin, Molly Leonard.

    • ASU are using lambda code to bridge between SF and Open edX – not sure what the priority can be, but can provide a write-up.

    • Some of the technical features like queuing and error process are still work in progress.

  • Blueprint/children courses (Jenna)

    • Need to align this plan with the Modular Learning roadmap.

    • We anticipate templating to be part of that scope, but the time line is probably later.

    • Is this a blocker for any team?

      • ASU, want this, but not a blocker

  • Completion API (Felipe)

    • Not updates at this time.

    • Need the same extension points as are required for graded discussions

  • More flexible grouping options (Felipe)

    • Starting the work on a technical proof of concept

    • Does this require more product review at this time or are they good to move forward with implementation? 

    • Matthew Harrington is working on a comprehensive review of grouping and cohorting features.

    • The research is available, but we don’t yet have a spec. That work is queued, not done.

  • Individual Student Emails (Felipe)

    • Initial conversations about the Edly messenger tool, but that hasn’t moved forward.

    • Jenna Makowski will reach out about two demos that we would like from the Edly team

      • Messenger

      • H5P block


Projects without owners

  • Grading period