(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

🎥 Recordings

(blue star) Discussion topics





Action Items (blue star)


Jorge Londoño

Follow-up on action items of previous meeting

Jorge Londoño

  • Jorge Londoño will post a call for help in the Community channels for filling the vacant BTR roles.

  • Jorge Londoño will post the proposal for postponing the cutting date 2 weeks and holding a meeting to deciding if, based on the input from the Product WG, we can cut the release on the set date or we can wait one sprint more for landing more features to the specific release.


Jenna Makowski

  • Jorge Londoño will ask the BTR team to review the prototype and provide feedback.

  • Jenna Makowski and Chelsea Rathbun will keep filling the spreadsheet until the new Testing Coordinator is designated to start coordinating the work with him/her.

(blue star) Decisions