Recent Schedule

Older release dates are archived in the official docs.

(blue star) Olive

(blue star) Palm

🍐 Quince

(blue star) Redwood

🌿 Sumac

🌳 Teak

Thu 2022-10-10 (tick)

(blue star) olive.master

Mon 2022-12-12 (tick)

(blue star) olive.1

Thu 2023-02-09 (tick)

(blue star) olive.2

Mon 2023-04-11 (tick)

(blue star) olive.3

(blue star) palm.master

Mon 2023-06-14 (tick)

(blue star) olive EOL

(blue star) palm.1

Wed 2023-08-09 (tick)

(blue star) palm.2

Tue 2023-10-10 (tick)

(blue star) quince.master

Fri 2023-10-13 (tick)

(blue star) palm.3

Thu 2023-11-16 (tick)

(blue star) palm.4

Mon 2023-12-11 (tick)

(blue star) palm EOL

(blue star) quince.1

Fri 2024-02-09 (tick)

(blue star) quince.2

~ 2024-04-09

(blue star) quince.3

~ 2024-05-09

This is the target possible release date.

The actual release date may be shifted for May 1.

(blue star) redwood.master

~ 2024-06-09

(blue star) quince EOL

(blue star) redwood.1

~ 2024-08-09

(blue star) redwood.2

~ 2024-10-09

(blue star) redwood.3

(blue star) sumac.master

~ 2024-12-09

(blue star) redwood EOL

(blue star) sumac.1

~ 2025-02-09

(blue star) sumac.2

The Schedule, Explained

Named versions of Open edX are released on a six-month schedule. Versions are named alphabetically after trees. In these docs we like to use Yucca and Zebrawood as hypothetical examples.

(blue star) On April 9th and October 9th, each two months before a named release, we cut branches for the new named version and begin testing it. In other words, we freeze of a copy of the latest version of Open edX so that we can focus on stabilizing and documenting it.

(blue star) On June 9th and December 9th, we announce the release of the new named version. When we are being specific, we append β€œ.1” to the tree name, for example Zebrawood.1. At this point, we announce that the previous named version is no longer supported (blue star) . For example, if we just released Zebrawood.1, then Yucca.* would no longer be supported.

(blue star) On August 9th and February 9th, we do a point release of the most recent named version. The point release will be similar to the named version that came before it, but will include bug fixes and other minor improvements. We indicate it by appending β€œ.2” to the tree name, for example, Zebrawood.2.

(blue star) On October 9th and April 9th, we do another point release of the most recent named version. We indicate this one by appending β€œ.3” to the tree name, for example, Zebrawood.3. At this point, we also cut branches for the next named version, thus restarting the cycle (blue star)

If the 9th is a Friday, weekend, or holiday, then the release generally happens the following business day.

Example Timeline