
This feature is switched off by default for this initial release, but can be turned on. 


For this release (and likely the first few releases), we must to support the creation of learner groups and interventions for learners at the course-level, but in the future we will need to support making groups at the: 

Learner Groups

Open Questions

Where does this live?

Are these groups to be manually refreshed? Automatically refreshed on a certain cadence? (A question for the delivery team to figure out if there is a reasonable cadence for a chron to refresh groups).

How do we roll this functionality out while also considering the existing learner grouping mechanisms on the platform (see Considering learner groups alongside existing grouping mechanisms section of this page for more)

Learner Group Functionality

A Superuser, Admin, or Course Delivery Team member (for the courses they are course staff on) can…

Out-of-the-box Leaner Group

One default learner group that exists out-of-the box for courses (manually created by a button push):

Defining a Learner Group

Course delivery teams can define their own learner groups by specifying learner criteria. User can combine up to two criteria to create a group (including anti-criteria):

Considering learner groups alongside existing grouping mechanisms

We recognize that there are already a few other ways to group learners on the platform for different purposes, which I’ve outlined below:



Course Groups

Learner Groups

Learner groups have some overlapping properties to the existing grouping mechanisms on the platform; however, learner groups also allow course delivery teams to segment learners by the things that they do on the platform. Learner groups can be either static or dynamic depending on how the group is defined. This mechanism’s primary purpose will be to facilitate targeted intervention and communication with learners on the platform. 

Can we expand the way we group learners (and how we use those groups) without creating madness?

We must be thoughtful about introducing a new grouping mechanism (like Learner Groups) to the platform so as not to create confusion for those managing courses and the platform where it isn’t needed. We’ll want to consider a careful rollout of this feature that potentially even condenses user grouping to one central place. Learner groups that are created could then be used for different purposes. 

For example: Over time, learner groups could potentially serve other functions such as Cohort, Course Group, and Team assignment.