
Tactical Issues: Hawthorn

Q: Some small things are going to change/break, where should we document and by when?

A: Make sure Hawthorn page is updated to point to people still here. Pull request against documentation that would have to change.

Cale: It should be on edx-platform's docs and build to RTD (half of it already is). Cale thinks this should live in edx-platform instead of a separate repo.

(We're punting on this for now, though we'll make tickets for the documentation.)

Longer Term: Making Themes Better

Q: How was the community involved for Comprehensive Theming development?

Ned: How we got Comprehensive Theming

Q: What's the right way to engage the community?


Q: What are known pain points?


Ways people want to theme

Q: How does Comprehensive Theming work with our shift to React components?

Next Steps