
  1. Have folks tried out Hawthorn? How has it been so far?
  2. We plan on having a Hawthorn Day to try out the new release on July 30th 2pm EDT/18:00 UTC and conclude the next day at 2pm EDT/18:00 UTC
  3. Reminder that we have a list of open INCR issues that give a person unfamiliar with the Open edX codebase to start contributing quickly.
    1. Including a new ops related epic:
  4. edX testing AWS Aurora as a MySQL alternative.
  5. edX recently updated the ability to put the LMS and CMS in maintenance mode.
    1. The previously functionality was buggy and only really worked for edX.
    2. The new functionality should work for anyone who can serve their maintenance page from S3.
    3. Playbook to manage maintenance:
