This is a set of instructions and best practices to follow when creating INCR tickets to set the developers who work on them up for success.

If you are creating INCR tickets, please consider joining the github team who reviews these pull requests.


First check the existing INCR epics to see if your improvement is part of a larger initiative.  If it is follow the "Creating an Improvement" steps.  If it isn't, follow the "Creating a New Epic" steps.

Creating a New Epic

  1. Create a new Jira ticket in the project space Incremental Improvements (INCR)
  2. Set the issue type to Epic
  3. Use the "INCR Epic Template" as a starting point and then fill it out with details of your project
  4. Save and add at least one improvement ticket to it. 

Creating an Improvement

  1. Click the plus sign (plus) next to "Issues in This Epic" for the epic your task is a part of
  2. Use the "Improvement Ticket Template" as a starting point and then fill it out with details of your ticket.
    1. NOTE: being as clear a possible will help whoever picks up this work.


This is the current state of the code.

h3. Future State
This is where we'd like to end up after this work is done.

h3. Implementation Notes/Details
These are tips that a developer may want to keep in mind.  Especially clear steps they can follow if relevant.

h3. Dependencies
None (hopefully)

h3. Communication
* #incr Slack channel
* #other-relevant-channel

h3. Current State
This is the current state of the code.

h3. Future State
This is where we'd like to end up after this work is done.

h3. Implementation Notes/Details
These are tips that a developer may want to keep in mind.  Especially clear steps they can follow if relevant.

h3. Dependencies
None (hopefully)

h3. Communication
* #incr Slack channel
* #other-relevant-channel