Arch Lunch: 2019-10-31
Arch Lunch: 2019-10-31
Action Items
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
- 4 Working group Ownership, backlogs for working groups - do they own and work on stuff? Can they?
- Where do we track issues? Is there a consistent scheme for libraries/services/frontends? Do we need one?
- Background:
- Arch-FED team changes
- Question on FedX working group
- Spotify Guild model - akin to our working group model
- DEPR working group - using meeting time as a working session
- Are working groups the technical stewards at edX? Or the owning squads?
- 5 Arch Backend Priorities
- Arch Lunch voting (out of 14 folks)
- (5) A Scaling our Microservices architecture (standardization, inter-service communication)
- standardization/consistency
- common libraries for authn, authz,
- updating authn across services
- config
- caching guidelines
- scaling communication
- eventing framework
- async versus not
- standardization/consistency
- (2) B API practices
- Up-to-date API Conventions doc
- API Versioning questions
- Direction/future of API Gateway
- Location of business logic
- (6) C Multi-Environment (Prod, Stage, Sandbox, etc) Testing & Configuration (Data inconsistency)
- Note: Devops team is working on Kubernetes for multi-environment
- DevOps is focusing on production, but need to consider other environments (not doing as much right now)
- Automated tooling to identify discrepancies across environments
- Note: Devops team is working on Kubernetes for multi-environment
- Should just happen
- Observability
- Note: Engagement theme invested time to analyze their SLAs and took action to implement alerts for them
- Observability
- 3 Permissioning across non-edxapp IDAs (nothing or superuser)
- 6 Ownership
- Current Pain Points
- Multiple ownership locations: Google Doc, Wiki (S&E + FED), openedx.yml, Codeowners
- What do you want to see coming out of it
- Need a reliable way to keep it up-to-date
- Person discoverability - who do I ask if I'm curious about this
- Accountability - required upgrades, flaky tests
- Holding engineering owners (as technical stewards) accountable
- Resourcing and prioritization across product work & ownership work
- Zero "Default" owners (individuals who defacto get pulled in when something isn't owned)
- Current Pain Points
, multiple selections available,
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