Messaging and Notifications: Use Cases
Messaging and Notifications: Use Cases
Use Cases for a Message Bus
- Notifications
- pipeline steps
- single implementation (for most steps)
- usage pattern: push-pull pipeline
- exchange type: direct
- queues: single queue for each pipeline step, with multiple consumers per queue
- multiple implementations (e.g., user target resolvers)
- usage pattern: push-pull pipeline
- exchange type: direct
- queues: different queue for each "type" of user-target resolver, with multiple consumers per queue
- single implementation (for most steps)
- delivery channels
- usage pattern: pub/sub or push-pull pipeline, depending on channel implementations
- exchange type: fanout ( ? )
- pipeline steps
- Cross-process event handling
- usage pattern: pub/sub
- exchange type: direct and/or topic
- Course publish event (CMS → LMS)
- usage pattern: request-reply RPC or pub/sub
- exchange type: default or direct
Messaging Framework Properties
- message delivery guarantees: at-most-once, at-least-once, exactly-once
- message durability: persistent or transient
- message routing: automatic filtering
- competing or non-competing consumers
- usage patterns
- request-reply RPC (pattern: task distribution, topology: service bus)
- publish-subscribe (pattern: data distribution, topology: data distribution tree)
- push-pull pipeline (pattern: parallel task distribution and collection, topology: parallelized pipeline)
- exchanges (per AMQP 0-9-1)
- types:
- default (automatic routing to named queue)
- direct (route based on message routing key) - usually for unicast in task distribution patterns
- fanout (broadcast to multiple queues) - usually for broadcast routing in pub/sub patterns
- topic (route based on match between routing key and queue binding pattern) - usually for multicast in pub/sub patterns
- headers (route based on any/all match of header values) - "direct on steroids"
- attributes: name, durability (survive broker restart), auto-delete (deleted when all queues have finished using it)
- types:
- queues
- attributes: name, durable, exclusive, auto-delete
- consumers
- push or pull APIs
- message acks, rejects, bulk rejects
- message prefetching
- messages
- serialization format: JSON, thrift, protocol buffers, messagepack
- durability: persistent or ephemeral
Uses Cases for notifications
- Bazaar - time-based activities with intelligent prompting and synchronous chat for learners
- Discussions
- forum activity - including notifying moderators and forum participants
- social awareness
- Course Dates
- Course Announcements
- User Progress in course
- Analytics Use cases:
- Instructors reaching out to learners
- Automatically notifying/supporting struggling learners
- Verified upgrade reminders (+ Jasper Ho Deen Abdul-Hathi (Deactivated))