edx-platform: Django 2.2 Upgrade Runbook

Notify in #dev
@here we're about to start the deploy of Django 2.2 to production for edx-platform. We're pausing the pipeline to reduce the number of changes that go out. Please communicate in #warroom if you see any issues.
Pause deploy_to_stage pipeline.
Pause final_check_before_prod pipeline.
Merge Django 2.2 upgrade PR
Once the build_edxapp_amis pipeline triggers for django 2.2, pause it to prevent new deploys behind Django 2.2
Bring up a new stage-edx-worker from the image built via build_edxapp_amis
Fake the auth_user migration in stage
# Command to fake the auth_user.last_name migration. source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env export DB_MIGRATION_USER=migrate001 read DB_MIGRATION_PASS export DB_MIGRATION_PASS sudo -HEu www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp /edx/bin/manage.edxapp lms migrate --fake auth 0009
Remove new stage-edx-worker cluster you created before.
Unpause deploy_to_stage pipeline.
Wait for stage deploy to complete.
Wait for e2e tests to complete.
Notify masters team in #program-devs to test in stage once django 2.2 is on stage.
@schen @mhughes the Django 2.2 changes are on stage. Please test.
Do any manual testing that needs to happen.
Check in with Dave O. about any LabX issues that might be deployment blockers.
Bring up a new prod-edx-worker from images built via build_edxapp_amis
Bring up a new prod-edge-worker from images bulit via build_edxapp_amis
Fake auth_user migration in edge
Fake auth_user migration in edx
Unpause final_check_before_prod pipeline.
Monitor deployment to productions.