Arch Tea Time 2020-04-23 (CookieCutters, Devstack, Deployments)

Arch Tea Time 2020-04-23 (CookieCutters, Devstack, Deployments)


  • Cookiecutters - does it make sense to merge the IDA and app ones, or do we need to keep them both updated?

    • Discussion going on about merging of IDA and app cookiecutters

    • Lots of commonalities – tox usage, dep handling, etc.

    • Benefit: less of a burden to maintain multiple cookiecutters

    • Minus: effort in merging

    • Was deferred during Dj22 upgrade because it wasn’t expected that there would be new services during upgrade… but there were Now those need to be upgraded

    • Why not merge?

      • Some differences, could be hard to put them in one repo.

      • Similarities > differences

        • Would be doable to ask questions when “cookie-cutting”, to avoid unnecessary file in generated repo.

      • Could both cookie-cutters inherit from a template?

        • Not a pattern in current cookie-cutter setup

    • What’s the effort of merging vs. updating both? Lots on Arch’s plate right now.

    • Robert: Current cookie-cutters are used as references… would merging them and adding lots of conditional logic make it less useful as a reference?

      • You could generate a new empty project from the cookiecutter and use that as a reference instead.

    • Jeremy: We have a lot of cookie-cutters (3 Python, 1 frontend, maybe more). Would be good to reduce them.

      • Future cookie cutters: Python project that doesn’t use Django.

    • Tim: It might be worth just reducing the amount of boiler-plate so that the cookie-cutters are fairly lightweight.

    • Front-end is gaining more cookie-cutters, but they aren’t cookie-cutters: they are just template that you copy and then modify. David’s going to run with that strategy.

    • Kyle: edx/configuration was filled with conditional logic and now we’re moving away from it and towards duplicating config. Is that lesson worthwhile here?

      • Consensus: Probably not, especially given that generating the cookie-cutter gives a readable repo.

    • What’s the point of a cookie-cutter?

      • Getting a service/app off the ground; the very beginning of the dev lifecycle

      • Not necessarily meant to be for maintaining that service/app. Docs and other tools might be better for that.

  • Dependencies in python - where to find the “binaries” and the latest versions and the best practice to ensure the latest versions are used. (Especially among various services).

    • How to ensure which version of a dependency we are currently using?

    • How to check which versions of dependencies are in my environment?

      • Can run “pip freeze”

    • “make upgrade” updates your requirements file.

    • “make requirements” updates your environment based on the requirements file.

  • Devstack

  • Publishing/Deploying changes: Is it OK to make changes to repos and not publish them?

    • Case 1: “I want to deploy ecommerce, but there are changes here I don’t understand”

      • Typically, people do deploy immediately per e-commerce’s policy.

    • Case 2: Changes in libraries that don’t get updated until the next make upgrade.

      • Currently, we don’t have consistent guidance around this.

      • Sometimes, people deploy one IDA/MFE, but don’t upgrade all dependents.

      • For frontends, we automatically merge updated MFEs, but don’t automatically deploy them to prod. They are deployed to stage.

      • For backends, we automatically run ‘make upgrade’, but don’t automatically merge or deploy.
