Monolith WG: 05/09/2017
Monolith WG: 05/09/2017
- Update on Metrics
- Feedback from arch group
- Review resources page
- Update on current Splunk reports
- Update on Best Practices
- L'OEPs
- Flesh out a Best Practice together
Meeting Notes
- Agreed to focus on the following metrics for now:
- Hotspots
- Github big-data (via Jay)
- Release pipeline trend (via Renzo)
- Complexity trend (Ben's tool)
- Best Practices
- Documentation
- L'OEPs
- Lightweight and local OEPs are documented within the repo to capture architectural design decisions
- IDAs have been keeping all documentation within the docs directory in the repo
- Read the Docs integration with each project
- Contains:
- How Tos: how to operate
- System design
- Example: http://open-edx-credentials-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html
- Swagger example: https://credentials.stage.edx.org/api-docs
- Guidelines
- Open edX Developer Guide in the read-the-docs applies to ALL repos
- Docs within the repo are repo-specific
- Future ideas
- Main developer guide can link to repo-specific ones maybe
- Swagger
- Can we enable just for local devstack to get started?
- For prod, we can integrate with API Gateway
- L'OEPs
- Documentation
Action Items
- JesseZ (Deactivated) Code complexity trend line
- EdwardF (Deactivated) Talk to Gabe about getting the Big Query Github integration in Tableau or elsewhere
- Renzo Lucioni (Deactivated) Send link and screenshot/examples for Release Pipeline stats trend
- JesseZ (Deactivated) Hotspots trending over time
- Robert Raposa Write OEP for L'Docs
- Robert Raposa Experiment with 1st Doc on CourseOverviews
- Andy Armstrong (Deactivated) Consider which best practice to formalize/consensus