Third Party Integration

Third Party Integration


  1. User enters the apikey and choose video to upload from Video Library Page from Studio
  2. Rest of the process remains the same except that the apikey will be sent to val and will be stored there

  3. VEDA fetches the apikey from val then creates a Cielo24 job and adds the video to it –  EDUCATOR-634 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. VEDA stores Cielo24 job_id in relation with edx_video_id 
  4. VEDA initiates transcription process via request to Cielo24's Perform Transcription API endpoint 
    1. Passes callback url as a query param for tracking the progress
      1. Callback endpoint will be hosted by VEDA 
  5. VEDA receives request to the callback from Cielo24 on completion of the transcription process 
    1. It gets the transcript file via job_id 
    2. It uploads transcripts to S3 bucket
  6. VEDA in turn calls to VAL endpoint for the status update with the job information
  7. VEDA calls to VAL endpoint to update video transcription status and its S3 URLs
  8. VAL endpoint updates the transcription status and requests the transcripts associated with the job_id from Cielo24 


  1. User enters the apikey and api_key_secretchoose video to upload from Video Library Page from Studio
  2. Rest of the video processing remains the same except for the apikey and api_key_secret which will be sent to VAL

  3. VEDA fetches the apikey api_key_secret from VAL and uploads the Video to 3PlayMedia –   EDUCATOR-633 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    1. VEDA also passes callback url for tracking the progress
      1. Callback endpoint will be hosed by VEDA 
  4. VEDA receives request to that callback from 3PlayMedia on completion of the transcription process 
    1. It gets the transcript file via video_id from 3PlayMedia
    2. It uploads transcripts to S3 bucket
  5. VEDA then calls to VAL endpoint for the status update with the 3PlayMedia processed video_id calls to VAL endpoint to update video transcription status and the S3 URLs to the transcripts
  6. VAL endpoint updates the transcription status and requests all the transcripts associated with the video_id from 3PlayMedia  and S3 URI coming from VEDA

Serving 3rd Party Transcripts

  1. Authors will be able to choose from 3PlayMedia/Cielo24 or their own transcripts for a Video Component having a valid edx_video_id
    1. Choice will be language-wise – by default it will be for lang `en`
      1. we can reuse chooser from Advanced Settings tab and provide an extra checkbox for 3PlayMedia/Cielo24 if VAL has got these 3rd Party Transcripts ready

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